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And they’re off. The Toronto International Film Festival, which began two days ago, is known as one of the “starting guns” of awards season.


First held in 1976, the annual fixture has built a reputation for showcasing films that go on to generate a buzz. Since 2008, every winner of its People’s Choice Award except one has found itself shortlisted for the Oscar for Best Picture, and four have won.


This year, biopics abound. “Harriet”, a highly anticipated retelling of the life of Harriet Tubman, a campaigner for the abolition of slavery, will premiere on Tuesday; and next weekend the festival will close with “Radioactive”, a biography of Marie Curie, a Nobel-prize winning scientist who is played by Rosamund Pike.


Tomorrow an all-star cast including Nicole Kidman will nervously await the verdict on “The Goldfinch”, adapted from Donna Tartt’s successful coming-of-age novel. The popcorn is at the ready, the red carpet is unfurled and, for now, the jury is out.




多伦多国际电影节(Toronto International Film Festival)是英语地区重要电影节之一],每年9月在加拿大多伦多举行,最高荣誉是观众票选奖(People's Choice Award)。

观众票选奖(People's Choice Award)为多伦多国际电影节最大奖项,多伦多电影节并未设置有评审团,也没有像其他电影节的竞赛项目,该奖项是由参加电影节的观众票选出最高票的电影获得。





哈丽特·塔布曼(Harriet Tubman 1820年-1913年3月10日)是美国废奴主义者。











电影《金翅雀》/《 The Goldfinch》预计9月13日在美国上映


fixture /ˈfɪkstʃə(r)/

1.( BrE ) a sports event that has been arranged to take place on a particular date and at a particular place (定期定点举行的)体育活动,体育节

•an annual fixture 一年一度的体育节

2.( especially BrE ) a thing such as a bath/ bathtub or a toilet that is fixed in a house and that you do not take with you when you move house 固定设施(如房屋内安装的浴缸或抽水马桶)

•The price of the house includes fixtures and fittings . 房屋价格包括固定装置和附加设备。

showcase /ˈʃəʊˌkeɪs/

1. N-COUNT A showcase is a glass container with valuable objects inside it, for example, at an exhibition or in a museum. 玻璃陈列柜

2. N-COUNT You use showcase to refer to a situation or setting in which something is displayed or presented to its best advantage. 展示场合

•The festival remains a valuable showcase for new talent.该音乐节依然是新秀展示才华的宝贵机会。

3. V-T If something is showcased, it is displayed or presented to its best advantage. 展示

•Restored films are being showcased this month at a festival in Paris.本月的巴黎电影节将展映一些修复版的电影。

generate a buzz


shortlist /ˈʃɔːtˌlɪst/

1. N-COUNT If someone is on a shortlist, for example, for a job or a prize, they are one of a small group of people who have been chosen from a larger group. The successful person is then chosen from the small group. (工作或获奖的) 候选人名单

•If you've been asked for an interview you are probably on a shortlist of no more than six.如果你已经被要求参加面试,你很可能在不超过6人的候选名单上。

2. V-T If someone or something is shortlisted for a job or a prize, they are put on a shortlist. 将…列入候选名单

•He was shortlisted for the Nobel Prize for literature several times.他曾数次获得诺贝尔文学奖提名。

biopic /ˈbaɪəʊˌpɪk/

1. N-COUNT A biopic is a film that tells the story of someone's life. 传记片

abound /əˈbaʊnd/

1. V-I If things abound, or if a place abounds with things, there are very large numbers of them. 充满

•Stories abound about when he was in charge.他负责时传闻很多。

bolition /ˌæbəˈlɪʃən/ (动词:abolish)

1. N-UNCOUNT The abolition of something such as a system or practice is its formal ending. 废除

•The abolition of slavery in Brazil and the Caribbean closely followed the pattern of the United States.巴西和加勒比海地区对奴隶制的废除很大程度上遵循了美国的模式。

slavery /ˈsleɪvəri, ˈsleɪvri/ (slaver:奴隶)

1. N-UNCOUNT Slavery is the system by which people are owned by other people as slaves. 奴隶制

•My people have survived 400 years of slavery.我的民族历经400年的奴隶制度后幸存了下来。

premiere /ˈprɛmɪˌɛə, ˈprɛmɪə/

1. N-COUNT The premiere of a new play or movie is the first public performance of it. 首次公演

•Four astronauts visited for last week's premiere of the movie Space Station.四位宇航员到场参加了上个星期举行的电影《空间站》的首映式。

2. V-T/V-I When a movie or show premieres or is premiered, it is shown to an audience for the first time. 首次上映; 首次上演

•The documentary premiered at the Jerusalem Film Festival.那部记录片在耶路撒冷电影节上首映。

biography /baɪˈɒɡrəfɪ/

1. N-COUNT A biography of someone is an account of their life, written by someone else. 传记

•...recent biographies of Stalin.…近年的斯大林传记。

2. N-UNCOUNT Biography is the branch of literature which deals with accounts of people's lives. 传记文学

•...a volume of biography and criticism.…一册传记文学与评论。

verdict /ˈvɜːdɪkt/

1. N-COUNT In a court of law, the verdict is the decision that is given by the jury or judge at the end of a trial. 裁决

•The jury returned a unanimous guilty verdict.该陪审团作出了一份一致通过的有罪裁决。

2. N-COUNT Someone's verdict on something is their opinion of it, after thinking about it or investigating it. 判断

•The doctor's verdict was that he was entirely healthy.这名医生的判断是他完全是健康的。

goldfinch /ˈɡəʊldˌfɪntʃ/

1. N a common European finch, Carduelis carduelis, the adult of which has a red-and-white face and yellow-and-black wings 欧洲金翅雀

coming of age

1. N-SING When something reaches an important stage of development and is accepted by a large number of people, you can refer to this as its coming of age. 到了...的重要阶段

•...postwar Germany's final coming-of-age as an independent sovereign state....战后德国作为一个独立主权国家的关键时刻。

2. N-SING Someone's coming of age is the time when they become recognized as an adult. 成年

•...traditional coming-of-age ceremonies....传统的成年庆典。

popcorn /ˈpɒpˌkɔːn/

1. N-UNCOUNT Popcorn is a snack that consists of grains of corn that have been heated until they have burst and become large and light. 爆米花

carpet /ˈkɑːpɪt/

1. N-VAR A carpet is a thick covering of soft material which is laid over a floor or a staircase. 地毯

•They put down wooden boards, and laid new carpets on top.他们安装了木地板,还在上面铺了新地毯。

unfurl /ʌnˈfɜːl/

1. V-T/V-I If you unfurl something rolled or folded such as an umbrella, sail, or flag, you open it, so that it is spread out. You can also say that it unfurls. 展开 (伞、帆或旗帜)

•Once outside the inner breakwater, we began to unfurl all the sails.一出内防波堤,我们就开始展开所有的风帆。

2. V-I If you say that events, stories, or scenes unfurl before you, you mean that you are aware of them or can see them as they happen or develop. (事件、故事、场景等) 逐渐展开

•The dramatic changes in Europe continue to unfurl.剧变在欧洲继续呈现。
