首页 > 女性 > 情感 > 让人开心的小金句,治愈一整天


一,今天天气很好 适合打打闹闹 适合亲亲抱抱。

Today's weather is very good, suitable for fighting, kissing and hugging

二,人家都有好看的脸 我有好大的脸。

People have beautiful faces. I have a big face

三,请问你是秋高吗 我快被你气爽了。

Excuse me, are you Qiu Gao? I'm going to be pissed off by you

四,如果上课不能闭着眼 那是否还能撑着脸。

If you can't close your eyes in class, can you still hold your face

五,我每次看那种甜甜的视频 就想把我男朋友打一顿 结果发现我没有男朋友。

Every time I watch that sweet video, I want to beat my boyfriend up, and I find that I don't have a boyfriend.

六,我家住在翻斗大街翻斗花园1001室 我妈妈叫张小丽 我爸爸叫胡英俊 不服就干。

My family lives in Room 1001, Tipping Garden, Tipping Street. My mother's name is Zhang Xiaoli and my father's name is Hu Yingjun.

七,你真的很可爱 个子很高 傻笑的时候很可爱 逼着自己给你写了一首藏头诗。

You are really cute, tall, and cute when you giggle, forcing yourself to write you a Tibetan poem

八,我每天都坚持做仰卧起坐 晚上一个仰卧 早上一个起坐。

I insist on doing sit-ups every day, one in the evening and one in the morning

九,走出去 多交友 不再为爱情发愁 你想要的都会有,你就像好天气那样让人心里很舒服。

Go out and make more friends, stop worrying about love, and you will have everything you want. You make people feel comfortable just like fine weather.

十,我:爱豆是向日葵 又明亮又热烈 我姐妹你也是向日葵 又黄又能磕。

Me: Love beans is a sunflower that is bright and warm. My sister: You are also a sunflower that is yellow and can knock.


The chemistry teacher talked about the product of power on the podium, and I was in a daze wondering why I talked about honey chicken in chemistry class

十二,如何委婉真诚又不失高级的夸赞你的朋友好像蒙娜丽莎的妹妹 珍妮玛莎。

How to be tactful, sincere and praise your friend like Mona Lisa's sister Jenny Martha


When you can't find a mobile phone, the trust between people will quickly collapse. "Have you seen my mobile phone?" "I have no" "You get up."


If you want a sweet love, you can spoil it if you don't have it.


I didn't blow it, but the strength and economic trend of me and my girlfriends. To tell you the truth, the whole city road in Heilongjiang will be swept by me and my girlfriends in the future.
