首页 > 女性 > 情感 > 氟西汀·微丧·女头:人一旦有隔阂就真的走不近了



The teacher once said, "When the Qiandao cold current meets the Japanese warm current, it will warm the whole sea", and suddenly I think of you. Later, that was the only geographical problem I remembered.


An awkward age, no childhood courage, young impulses, mature material. It melted those unrealistic assumptions and accepted many unsustainable facts. Been on the road, not to be continued.


Actually, it’s true that one person goes to self-study, one person eats a meal, one person is tired to watch a movie, read a book, go to fitness, or even a person who is sick is not as terrible as imagined. Compared to doing things with someone who can't talk to each other, I still feel more comfortable by myself. May all single people enjoy the single state.


The cat fell in love with the fish in the cup. It broke the cup and found that the fish was dead. Later, the cat knew that sometimes love someone, not necessarily with him, just like us.


From now on I will miss you less and less time, won't you blame me? I don’t think so. After all, you never wanted me to miss you.
